
Individual project for CS2103T, a Software Engineering module under National University of Singapore.

Project maintained by seetohjinwei Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

User Guide

Little Duke is a great companion in helping you manage your tasks!




Add various types of tasks to your task list.

Todo Task

Add a Todo to your task list.

Deadline Task

Add a Deadline to your task list. Deadline is a task with a deadline.

Event Task

Add an event to your task list. Event is a task with a event time.


Lists all your tasks.


Mark a task as done.


Un-mark a task as done.


Find tasks by keyword.


Undo previous commands.

Command History

Navigate through your command history with up and down arrow keys.


Delete a task.


Exits the application after a short delay.


Application is resizable! Just re-size the window as you would do with any other application.


todo - Create a Todo task

Creates a Todo task with the specified description.

todo <description>

Example of usage:

todo Nice task.

Expected outcome:

A Todo is created with the description and date/time provided.

*beep* I've added this todo for you!
  [T][ ] Nice task.
Now you have <x> tasks!

deadline - Create a Deadline task

Creates a Deadline task with the specified description and deadline.

deadline <description> /by <date> (date is YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm)

Example of usage:

deadline Submit XXX. /by 2022-09-11 2359

Expected outcome:

A Deadline is created with the description and date/time provided.

*beep* I've added this deadline for you!
  [D][ ] Submit XXX. (by: 11 Sep 22 23:59)
Now you have <x> tasks!

event - Create an Event task

Creates an Event task with the specified description and date/time.

event <description> /by <date> (date is YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm)

Example of usage:

event Nice Event. /at 2022-09-11 2359

Expected outcome:

An Event is created with the description and date/time provided.

*beep* I've added this event for you!
  [E][ ] Nice Event. (at: 11 Sep 22 23:59)
Now you have <x> tasks!

list - List all tasks

List all your tasks.

list (any arguments are ignored)

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

A list of all the tasks.

*beeeeep* I've got your tasks!!
1. [T][ ] Nice task.
2. [D][ ] Submit XXX (by: 11 Sep 22 23:59).
3. [E][ ] Nice Event. (at: 11 Sep 22 23:59).

mark - Mark task as done

Marks a task as done.

mark <index>

Example of usage:

mark 2

Expected outcome:

Task 2 will be marked as done.

*beep beep* Roger, task 2 is done!
  [D][X] Submit XXX. (by: 11 Sep 22 23:59).

unmark - Un-mark task as done

Marks a task as done.

unmark <index>

Example of usage:

unmark 2

Expected outcome:

Task 2 will be marked as not done.

*beep beep* Roger, task 2 is not done!
  [D][ ] Submit XXX. (by: 11 Sep 22 23:59).

find - Find tasks by keywords

Finds tasks by keywords.

find <keywords>

Example of usage:

find Nice

Expected outcome:

A list of tasks that match the keywords provided.

*beeeeep* I've found some tasks!
1. [T][ ] Nice task.
2. [E][ ] Nice Event. (at: 11 Sep 22 23:59).

undo - Undoes the previous command

Undoes the previous command.

undo (any arguments are ignored)

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

The previous command will be undone, if there are any.

Whoops, undoing previous command!!

delete - Delete a task

Deletes a task.

delete <index>

Example of usage:

delete 1

Expected outcome:

Task at index 1 is deleted.

*beeeeep* I've removed the task!
  [T][ ] Nice task.
Now you have <x> tasks left.

bye - Exit the application

Exits the application.

bye (any arguments are ignored)

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

The application closes after a short delay.

Bye! *sad beep*
Hope to see you soon!